Current Tuition & Fee Schedule

The annual tuition and fees may be paid in advance by August 1 or semester payments can be set up with the Registrar. If you wish to pay on the twelve-month plan, the first payment begins June 1st , with the final payment due May 1st . If you choose to use the ten-month plan, the first payment begins June 1st , the second payment is due August 1st, with the final payment due April 1st. The monthly payment plan is for the convenience of parents.

$40.00 per month for tuition received after the 10th of the month, on any unpaid school fee on the account after 10 days or any outstanding balance in arrears. It is the goal of Elfers Christian School to provide the highest education possible in a Christian environment. To do this we have sought the best and most qualified teachers along with the needed resources required to achieve this goal. Therefore, parents who are not in keeping with their Financial Agreement with the school and whose account balance excessively in arrears (45 days late) may be suspended from attending classes. Accounts more than 30 days in arrears may have their grade access restricted and not receive their report card or school file information until the account balance is current or an approved payment schedule is approved.

10% of a student’s year tuition will be awarded to you for every new family recommended to ECS when they have completed one semester. They must list you as the primary source of recommendation or recruitment on their application at the time of enrollment. You must also notify the school office before their enrollment in writing with a letter of recommendation.

We would appreciate your prayers regarding the school. Any gift you would like to give over and above your child’s tuition is tax deductible and appreciated.